Monday, November 4, 2013

Composition Rules for Photographers


Over at Photography Notes and Tips I have a detailed review of Composition Rules. You might find something of interest there. Please take a look.

Composition Rules


© 2013 Ludwig Keck


  1. Hi Ludwig, just a short comment to let you know that I did drop into your Photography Notes and Tips to check out the Rules for Composition you posted. While I will need to go back and revisit and thoroughly read, just wanted to say thanks for a lot of info...some of which I knew, but perhaps needed a refreshed on and other tips that were new (to me). I am posting a comment here as when I tried to leave one on the other blog, I believe I had to be signed in as a Google+ member which I have not signed up with (for now).

  2. Thank you Beatrice. Yes, PN&T is set to use Google+ comments because I am very active over there and this post is aimed at a photo learning community that I participate in. Since you have a Google account you really also are part of Google+, just complete a few items and you will find a grand new world. You don't have to give up any friends, but don't change the settings for your blog so that anybody can continue to comment. All the best!
